I love Pinterest. I spend a good amount of time looking at the great organizing ideas that people share there. But I have to confess that sometimes all that perfection bothers me. One of these days, on my online quest I came across of a blog called: mylifeandkids.com, the author had started a photo contest of the messiest houses and her motto was: Life is not Pinterest perfect. WOW! That is a powerful statement! No need to say that I became a fan. I mean, we strive to have a perfect home, but the truth is that a functional house will never look that perfect. And that is the beauty of life!
Look around you. Do you feel comfortable in your environment? This is what matters. Believe me, nobody has a perfect home. Your house it will become a little disorganized from time to time. Some weeks are busier than others; sometimes we get home so tired that clothes are left on the floor. It is natural. The secret to organization is to create a system that will support you to get back into shape when disorganization happens.
If you don’t feel comfortable with the organization of your environment, I will share with you the best secret of organization: Don’t fight with your habits. For example: if there is a pile of clothes in the corner, it suggests that a hamper would be a great idea on that spot. Move the hamper from the bathroom and leave it there for a while. If the pile continues, remove the top of the hamper. Better yet, move the hamper without the top at first place.
Following the same line of thinking, start paying attention to how you flow in your house. Where do you like to do your activities? Where do you read? Where do you pay your bills? Then, analyze if these places support those activities. Maybe your favorite spot to read is in the living room, but your bookshelves is in your bedroom. Maybe you like to pay your bills at the dining room table, but the supplies you need are in the office. Adapt your house for your use. Break traditions that don’t work for your lifestyle and find comfort in your nest.