
Category for company blog and news

Finding your organizing comfort level

I love Pinterest. I spend a good amount of time looking at the great organizing ideas that people share there. But I have to confess that sometimes all that perfection bothers me.  One of these days, on my online quest I came across of a blog called:, the author had started a photo contest of the messiest houses and her motto was: Life is not Pinterest perfect. WOW! That is a pow [...]

By |2017-09-27T18:31:24-07:00April 17th, 2013|Blog|Comments Off on Finding your organizing comfort level

Why is it so hard to let go ….

When a client contacts me normally their first question is how much do I charge, followed by “how long does it take” and then the one that is really bothering them: “Are you going to force me to throw my things away?” Leaving aside the 2 first questions (I will write a small article on both later), I want to focus on the third question. My answer to the question is: No, I don’t force my clients to [...]

By |2013-06-10T17:38:40-07:00February 17th, 2013|Blog|Comments Off on Why is it so hard to let go ….

Transforming promises into results

The beauty of the beginning of a year is that it the renovates hope of change. Every year we write our goals, truly believing that we will follow that script strictly. We promise ourselves "This year I will..." - Lose weight - Get organized - Make more money - etc. - etc. - etc. And unfortunately, year after year, the resolutions go down to the drain, sometimes in the first week of January... some [...]

By |2013-01-07T08:14:15-08:00January 6th, 2013|Blog|Comments Off on Transforming promises into results

The unwanted gift

  Recently I visited my in-laws and experienced one of my small nightmares. My brother-in-law had traveled abroad and brought gifts for the family and mine was a blouse. Picture of it is available in the post… well, needless to say that not liking the blouse I was left in the very difficult position: the white lie or the cruel truth? People who know me, know the answer: the truth. I tried in [...]

By |2017-06-09T13:59:21-07:00November 30th, 2012|Blog|Comments Off on The unwanted gift
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